Places to visit in Kenya

Top 15 Amazing Places To Visit In Kenya

Posted on October 29, 2020

Places to visit in Kenya

Here are the 15 most amazing places to visit in Kenya. Located in East Africa, Kenya and Tanzania are among the best safari and holiday destinations in Africa. These two countries have been calling each other “brothers” and neighbors but like any neighbors, they have been in competition for decades.

Politically, socially and economically, each country is in competition with the other and each believes is better than the other. However they still depending on each other in many ways with  Tourism being one of them.

Even though each country markets itself independently, both have so much much in common hence too much competition in tourism sector. For example, each country markets the wildebeest migration (7th wonder) from Serengeti and Masai Mara between Mid June – October.

Kenya being a senior “brother” is well developed in terms of infrastructure, hence regarded as “gate” to East Africa. Tanzania is working hard to defeat this by building and developing her infrastructure to have the best international airport, better roads, internet connections and first class  accommodation in cities, parks and reserves (tourist destinations).

What do they have in common in all places to visit in Kenya and Tanzania?

As like in the case with all neighbors, there is gains when working together than against each other. Both Kenya and Tanzania have common bonder entry point allowing the people and tourists crisscross freely. This has helped both countries benefit from each other complementing each other economically and socially. This has made it easy for tourists to enjoy both countries tourists attraction sites. Tourists can book a safari in Kenya with an extension to Tanzania at ease.

Though both Kenya and Tanzania have a lot in common, there is always something different in each; below find the best tourist destination to visit Kenyan and Tanzania

Sandy beaches

Both countries are located along the Indian ocean having best beach hotels and sandy beaches in Africa with beaches. North coast beaches in Kenya with the coast is lined with pristine palm fringed beaches, and the calm inviting waters of the Indian Ocean. South Coast beaches in Kenya surrounded by the breathtaking Indian Ocean, soft white sands, lush greenery. Dar Es Salaam and Zanzibar beaches: Located in the Indian Ocean 15 miles off the coast of Tanzania, is a breathtaking spot to escape from the world.

National Parks and Reserve:

Kenya and Tanzania has almost its landmass gazetted as national parks or national reserve. This is where 90%  activities are as tourist go see wildlife in their natural habitats where elaborate measure as taken to avoid human-wildlife conflicts. Some of the best places to visit in Kenya and Tanzania include:

Masai mara is the most popular in the list of places to visit in Kenya:

Masai Mara National Reserve offers an absolutely unique variety of animals. The reason is that this hilly region is both humid and fertile, and is crossed by the rivers Mara and Telek, full of crocodiles and hippos, and which carry water the whole year-round. The banks of the rivers are covered in thick forest, which gradually makes way for bush and grassland.

The abundance of water and excellent availability of food are the reasons why the Masai Mara, which in fact is a continuance of the Tanzanian Serengeti National Park, has the greatest population of wild animals in the whole of Africa. There is a particularly dramatic “spectacle” from July to November, the annual migration of huge herds of Gnus and Zebras.

Predators such as Hyenas, Jackals, Leopards, and Lions of course, closely follow these herds. There is no place where more of this latter may be seen than in Masai Mara. Gigantic herds of over 200 buffaloes can also be observed. Plenty of food is available for elephants, giraffes, and the many species of antelopes and gazelles all of which can be observed in their natural habitat. While at Masai Mara, it is easy to combine Kenya and Tanzania safari crossing through Isabania bonder.

Lake Nakuru:

There are the millions of flamingos seeking their food in the salty deep-green waters of Lake Nakuru. The protected area is primarily for birds, of which 400 to 500 species can be found here including cormorants and pelicans. However, visitors to Lake Nakuru may also catch a glimpse of Thomson gazelles, Grant gazelles, impalas, waterbucks, giraffes, buffaloes, and leopards.

This park, one of the places to visit in Kenya and best National Parks & Reserves in Kenya, has become Kenya’s premier Rhino sanctuary and is now home to both Black and White Rhinos, totaling to over 80 in number and could be one of the greatest attractions in Nakuru with its fantastic agglomeration of lesser flamingoes estimated to number between one and two million and make the lakeshore seem pink, while species of other water birds have been recorded.

Another on top of the best places to visit in Kenya is Samburu:

Samburu-Buffalo Springs and Shaba National Reserve include in their boundaries all the flora and fauna to be found in the north of Kenya. The dry grasslands interspersed with acacias are interrupted from time to time by rich green vegetation, whenever enough water is present, e.g. the banks of the Uwaso Nyiro River (with its huge Nile crocodiles) or in marsh regions.

This countryside, dotted with volcanic peaks, offers a sanctuary to a wide variety of animals. These are baboons, reticulated giraffes, elephants, waterbucks, gerenuks, and Grevy zebras. Lions and cheetahs are not quite so common, but plenty of leopards can be sighted.

Tsavo East and West:

The both Tsavo National Parks are roughly kidney-shaped and 7,930 Sq. Miles (20,812 Sq. Kms) is bisected in the middle by the Mombasa road. For administrative convenience, the part north-east of the road is called Tsavo East with headquarters near Voi and measures 11,747 Sq. Kms and the part southwest of the road are Tsavo West with wardens’ offices near Mtito Andei and measures 9,065 Sq. Km. Both are great places to visit in Kenya which combines well with beach holiday at the coast due to heir proximity.

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Overall, this famous park covers a vast section of the 200 miles of thorn scrub, spiked with bulbous trunks of baobab trees, that separate the tropical vegetation of the Coast from the great central plateau of the African continent. Kilaguni serena tops the list of accommodation places at Tsavo West.


Whenever doing a research on the best places to visit in Kenya, Amboseli will always feature in the list. The combination of scenery, people, and animals are what makes the Amboseli National Park so fascinating. Beautifully situated at the foot of the towering Mt. Kilimanjaro, it the home of the brightly painted Masai Tribe. Here you can see lions, cheetahs, hyenas as well as Gnus, buffaloes, zebras, and herds of elephants.

All these animals come to drink at water holes consisting of small lakes or muddy ponds kept filled up by water from the melting snows of Kilimanjaro. The northern Lake Amboseli contains water only after rain. Amboseli due to its proximity to Tanzania makes it east to combine Kenya and Tanzania safari easily through Namanga bonder.


Although not very popular among the places to visit in Kenya; The foothill of the Aberdare National Park is covered with huge trees, which, the higher you go; gradually give way to Bamboo forests. From about 3,000 meters upwards the landscape consists primarily of alpine moorland. Still higher is an area of grassland with, from time to time, giant lobelias presenting an attractive contrast. The rich vegetation of this park is blessed with crystal clear streams, waterfalls, and lakes teeming with fish.

This means an ideal habitat for a wide variety of mammals and birds, although the wildlife here is still very shy, and the lodges often have to put out salt licks to attract the animals. With a bit of luck, it is possible to see the “BIG FIVE” whereas it may be somewhat more difficult to sight the local black varieties of Leopards and Servals.

While in Nairobi, Nairobi National park tops the list of places to visit in Kenya

For the live entertainment that most people come to see, the 117 Sq. Kms (44 Sq. Miles) Nairobi National Park ranks the first and is so close to the city one could call it a suburb inhabited by animals. The main gate brings you into the wooded Langata corner, where you are quite likely to find Lions strolling along the road though more often they are lying up in the shade of a thorn tree, or among some rocks.

Shimba Hills:

The 320 Sq Kms reserve is located 56 km south of Mombasa and is within easy reach of coastal resorts. Shimba Hills Reserve offers beautiful, lush scenery, good for those wishing to take a break from the beach to view terrestrial wildlife. The reserve comprises a unique and botanically rich coastal rain forest and open glades thus among the best places to visit Kenya. Two of Kenya’s most beautiful orchids occur in Shimba Hills. Besides the locally endemic sable antelope, are buffalo, elephant, giraffe, leopard, and several species of primates.

Hell’s Gate:

Which covers an area of 68.25 sq km is situated in the environs of Lake Naivasha about 90 km from Nairobi. The park is situated 14 km after the turnoff from the old Nairobi-Naivasha highway. The park is characterized by diverse topography and geological scenery. It is famous for its natural geysers, eagle and vulture breeding grounds. Being the main places to visit in Kenya to do biking, rock climbing and walking makes it the choice of many who are looking for adventure activities in Kenya

Marine and beach lovers, Kisite Marine Park and Mpunguti Marine Reserve should be in your lists of places to visit in Kenya:

Located on the south coast off Shimoni and south of Wasini Island in Kwale District. The complex covers a marine area with four small islands surrounded by coral-reef. Kisite park covers 11 Sq Kms. while the Mpunguti reserve covers 28. Kisite Island is mainly grass-covered and an important breeding ground for sea birds while Mpunguti Islands have a dense coastal equatorial forest. Surrounding waters have well-developed coral gardens and fishes.

Serengeti though in Tanzania combines very well with most places to visiting in Kenya like Masai mara and Amboseli:

A World Heritage Site and recently proclaimed a World Wide Wonder, Serengeti National Park is undoubtedly one of the most famous wildlife sanctuaries in the world. The park is located some 320 km to the northwest of Arusha, lying in a high plateau between the Ngorongoro highlands and the Kenya/ Tanzania border, and extending almost to Lake Victoria to the west, covering a total area of 14,763 square kilometers.

Aptly named “endless plains” by the Maasai people, you immediately experience this vastness as you enter the southeastern plains of the park from Ngorongoro. Serengeti due to its proximity to masai mara help one combine Kenya and Tanzania safari crossing through Isabania bonder.

While researching on the places to visit in Kenya, more often Tanzania Ngorongoro comes into mind:

A UNESCO protected World Heritage Site and an International Biosphere Reserve, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a pioneering experiment in multi-purpose land use where people (the Maasai), their livestock and wildlife coexist and share the same protected habitat. The craters of Ngorongoro and Empakai are reserved exclusively for wildlife, while the rest of the Conservation Area is shared by wildlife, people and livestock.

Lake Manyara:

Located 125 km west of Arusha town, on the foot of the wall of the Great Rift Valley, Lake Manyara National Park is one of the oldest and most popular sanctuaries in East Africa. The park has a large variety of habitats, making it possible to support a wealth of wildlife in its small area.

Other places to visit in Kenya and Tanzania parks and reserves of interest include Tarangire, Selous, Kilimanjaro, Meru, Mt. Kenya, Saiwa among others.

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